Today was Paws at the Park here in Erie. It is put on every year by our local Therapy Dog group. There are vendors and demonstrations and lots and lots of dogs! My sister and I went together and let the "cousins" hang out (her dog and Sookie - Milo stayed home because he doesn't always play nice with other dogs). We had a really good time! I took lots of pictures - here are some of them! You can follow any of them to Flickr to see the rest (I have to get around to renewing my Flickr membership - I don't like the rest of my 1000's of photos floating out there and I can't get to them)!
We saw more Corgis than I expected to see here! The little red and white fella here only made it to Erie yesterday all the way from Missouri! He was SO stinkin' cute!
We got to watch an Agility demonstration - I've done agility before and love it, but not so sure I'm coordinated enough to do it now!
Blog readers, meet my sister and her pup, Raider! We took a time-out to get a new picture of them (because the last time I tried to take one, Raider wouldn't cooperate!)!
We saw more Corgis than I expected to see here! The little red and white fella here only made it to Erie yesterday all the way from Missouri! He was SO stinkin' cute!
We got to watch an Agility demonstration - I've done agility before and love it, but not so sure I'm coordinated enough to do it now!
Blog readers, meet my sister and her pup, Raider! We took a time-out to get a new picture of them (because the last time I tried to take one, Raider wouldn't cooperate!)!
I think that about wraps up today! Thanks for stopping by!