Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sign font fail!

We had spotted this driving home from Harborcreek the other day and had to do a double take. I was headed that same direction today and had to pull over and snap a picture of it - and I was laughing the entire time.

I never knew that the letter "T" had a loop at the top of it!

Sign font FAIL!


Jenny said...

That is hilarious. I am never going there.

amy grace said...

hah...i read that as "tubs and hoes"


that's what happens when the font is too crazy and confusing.

Anonymous said...

Too funny! I parsed that as Pubes and Hoses, which sounds like it should be a gay bar with an auto shop motif.

Kitten said...

We saw a "P" there as well and not a "T". I'm just glad my kids didn't ask what I was laughing at when I was taking the picture!

Anonymous said...

I saw "Tubes" but it took a few minutes to decipher "hoses"... But then I didn't even notice the "P" until i read the comments... I think I need an eye test again...