Saturday, January 24, 2009

Saturday Question - help!

I have recently been chosen as one of 100 bloggers to take part in the first Food Chain. What is this you ask?

You can find the details at Blake's blog, HERE.

Today's question is:

What do YOU think I should film when it comes time for my turn with the camera?

I'm completely stumped as to what I should do!


Stephanie said...

Ideally, I would take it to a "fest" like Greekfest or something. But it depends on when you get it. Why not a tour of the chocolate shops in Erie, like Romolo's? Erie is SO lucky to have great chocolatiers and who knows unless you know Erie?

Kitten said...

Right now, I don't have a clue when the camera will get to me. One of the "fests" would be a great idea. I also thought of taking it to work with me but I don't think my boss would be so keen on that idea.

I thought about Romolo's too, or any specifically local eatery, or a combination of any of them, even if I don't go inside, I could still talk about them outside.